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Battlegroup 18, The Biggest MilSim in Finl...

 фотография Jontti 23 Nov 2017

Third Ehasa ry organized Battlegroup event (or in finnish, TSTOS, Taisteluosasto) website is released! The registeration opens 1.1.2018 17.00 (GMT +2) in event website. Be there then!

From last year, we also added now new info site for new Battlegroup players or who come outside of Finland: http://tstos18.ehasa.org/new_player/

PLAYER LIMIT: about 1000
AGE LIMIT: fighting factions 17, Civilians 16/18
Booking Wednesday 18.7. 6pm-22pm and Thursday 19.7. 9am-14am 
Game On from Thursday 19.7.2018 8pm to Sunday 22.7. 2pm.
Bases and villages are offline between 2am-8am.
LOCATION: Finnish Defense Force training area of Ilveskallio, Parola
Pre-payment: start out on 70 € +5 €/month
Payment on site: 115 €
Civilian factions: 25 €
Main factions HQ-teams: 40€
SIDES: Uusimaa, Pirkanmaa, various civilian roles
CLIPS FROM LAST YEAR'S EVENT: https://www.youtube....query=TSTOS 17
PHOTOS FROM LAST YEAR'S EVENT: http://gallery.ehasa...stos-17-21-237/
EMAIL: info@ehasa.org
Our youtube channel (Many videos with english subtitles)

 фотография Jontti 26 Dec 2017


TSTOS18/Battlegroup 18 registration opens 1.1. at 5 pm (UTC+2) at the event website. Be there then! In addition to normal player registration there will be vehicle registration as well. In the pictures you can see some of the vehicles driven by gamemasters. You will be able to play with them!

Website: http://tstos18.ehasa.org/?lang=en


 фотография Jontti 28 Dec 2017

The video from Battlegroup 17 is now ready! See you in next year's Battlegroup 18!


 фотография Jontti 30 Dec 2017


Battlegroup 18 registration opens in less than 48 hours! Before that you can already fill our new inquiry. This inquiry will be used to collect data from players who will participate to the Battlegroup 18 event. The answers will help us to advertise our event and finnish airsoft in general.

Answering the inquiry won't take much of your time but it will be really helpful for us to develop our events in the future.
All feedback will be anonymous and none of it will be published unless you give us permission to do so.

Link for inquiry: https://goo.gl/forms/Ba4Obnd679dmQJhF2

Thank you for your feedback!


 фотография Jontti 01 Jan 2018



Registration for Battlegroup 18 is open. Over 200 have already registered in first night.


See you in the game!


 фотография Jontti 14 Jan 2018


Vote Battlegroup 17 and take part in raffles!

Battlegroup 17 is running alongside four other events for the title of the best airsoft event with over 500 players. International Popular Airsoft -website is arranging the vote. Vote for the best, that is us, and let’s spread the word about good games!

By taking part in the vote and liking or commenting this Facebook message you can take part in both Popular Airsoft’s and Ehasa’s raffles.

Popular Airsoft raffle prizes you can see: IN THIS LINK

In Ehasa’s raffle we will choose one lucky winner. The prize is one free ticket to the event Battlegroup 18, a BMP1 transport for two in Parola training area during the event and two Battlegroup 18 patches.

You can vote: HERE!

Choose the language, enter your email address and remember to vote for the Battlegroup 17 in category number 13. Finally, like or comment this Facebook message! There’s time to vote and comment till 5.2. 23.59 UTC +2. After this we will run the raffle and be in touch with the winner via Facebook.

We thank all who voted for us! We’d like to keep arranging the best events in the world!


 фотография Jontti 29 Jan 2018



My name is Paavo Piironen, and I will be the Battalion Commander for Uusimaa in the upcoming event. I worked as the Battalion XO on Pirkanmaa's side in the last year's TSTOS event.

Our HQ Platoon staff will come to the event well prepared, motivated and full of excitement. Our goal is to create an environment for Uusimaa where our troops can function and co-ordinate as effectively and effortlessly as possible. We want to encourage all leadership capable personnel, as well as people who might simply be interested in taking leadership positions, to step up and sign up for company commander, platoon leader, squad leader and/or fireteam leader roles. Our HQ Platoon staff will provide full support for all leaders before and during the event.

I believe that this upcoming event will be unique for all of us!

For Paavo's email, check end of this link.


 фотография Jontti 30 Jan 2018

There is still time to vote Battlegroup 17 event in Popular Airsoft Players' choice awards, but 5.2. is closing fast! Remember to tell your friends also and like/comment the shared Ehasa's post!
Here is remind what you can win from Popular Airsoft:
And from us:
-1 free ticket to Battlegroup 18 event
- 2 free Battlegroup 18 patches
- BMP1 ride with your friend during the event
Choose the language, enter your email address and remember to vote for the Battlegroup 17 in category number 13.

 фотография Jontti 04 Feb 2018


Time to gather the last troops to vote for the Ehasa's Battlegroup 17-event for the airsoft event of 2017 in the Popular Airsoft Players Choice Awards!

VOTE HERE! (Select Language, enter your email and remember to vote for Battlegroup 17-event in category 13.)

By voting, you participate in Popular Airsoft's own raffle where you can win the following PRIZES

After commenting / liking Ehasa's FB competition you will participate also in OUR RAFFLE.

In our raffle, one winner will receive a free ticket to Battlegroup 18-event, as well as a BMP1 ride for himself and his friend during the event. In addition, both are given the Battlegroup 18-event patch.

If you have already voted, make sure all your friends vote! Let's take Finland and Ehasa to the world map! competiton is still on for 24 hours!


 фотография Jontti 10 Mar 2018

Seek as leader in Battlegroup 18!
As leader you have great impact to your and others game experience and all troops need leaders!
We seek battalion commander for Pirkanmaa faction in Battlegroup 18 event. Also we need company commanders and platoon leaders for both factions. As reward, we offer benefits for selected leaders.
If you are interested, contact following personel:
Battlegroup 18 Uusimaa: paavo.piironen@gmail.com
Battlegroup 18 Pirkanmaa: info@ehasa.org



Seek as leader in Battlegroup 18!


As leader you have great impact to your and others game experience and all troops need leaders!


We seek battalion commander for Pirkanmaa faction in Battlegroup 18 event. Also we need company commanders and platoon leaders for both factions. As reward, we offer benefits for selected leaders.


Battlegroup 18 benefits: http://tstos18.ehasa...ickets/&lang=en


If you are interested, contact following personel:

Battlegroup 18 Uusimaa: paavo.piironen@gmail.com

Battlegroup 18 Pirkanmaa: info@ehasa.org


 фотография Jontti 27 Apr 2018

New camo (Berezka Grey/Yellow) has been allowed for Pirkanmaa faction. This includes ex. KZS uniforms.

We will release Pirkanmaa faction leader presentation soon, but it will be Jesse from Ehasa who was in charge of Pirkanmaa also last year.


 фотография Jontti 12 May 2018

Faction Commander for Pirkanmaa is Jesse Suokas!


Hello there,

I am Jesse Suokas (jesse.suokas@ehasa.org) and will act as the Pirkanmaa battalion commander. I have been an airsoft enthusiast since 2005 and in 2012 I joined Ehasa to help create great events in Finland. I have previous experience from the TSTOS series as the main organizer of Uusimaa in 2016 and commander of Pirkanmaa in 2017.

Officers needed. If you are interested contact me directly via email.

