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Operation PAG-11 , Ghor province Afghanistan

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#1 lukashenka


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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 11:28

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Operation PAG-11 , Ghōr Province



Date : 2017-09-29/10-01




Location :  Kazlu ruda , Military airport

470269, 6074101 (LKS)
54.802261, 23.537594 (WGS)
54° 48' 8.14", 23° 32' 15.34" (WGS)





Game type : Operation (mid caps, low caps. real caps only)

In cooperation with : www.karys.lt, www.tanks.lt


Game sides :



ISAF (only teams, with helmets, 50 % attack missions)



  • Fight with drug producing farms and logistics to destroy Taliban source of finance.
  • Assist ANA in operations against Taliban.
  • Train ANA forces, provide advice and support in ANA operations.
  • Coordinate activities with PRG and contribute to stability and reconstructions of Afghanistan infrastructure.
  • Execute operations to destroy Taliban bases.

ISAF has a well established and secure base, where daily routine is performed. Training of ANA troops is arranged next to the base.

However, latest intelligent suggests that Taliban forces are increasing their presence in the most of the Gore province. During the warm season, Taliban fighters take control of villages and smaller provincial towns.

Based on the intelligence gathered, ISAF sends enforced patrol groups over Gore province territory searching for Taliban bases and destroying ammunition and weapons supply chains.

ISAF also sends patrol groups to search and destroy poppy fields to disrupt Taliban financing sources.

Trying to win hearts and minds of the locals, ISAF performs humanitarian operations to assist civilians, provide food, medical, tents and other lifesaving supplies. In addition, to cut support of the Taliban from local population, ISAF distributes cash money to local government structures, however it creates tensions between the villages and cities.

ISAF are not allowed to open fire on unarmed civilians, all problems have to be solved peacefully, by negotiations and cash payments.





Taliban (only teams, without helmets, 80 % attack misions REGISTRATION CLOSED)




  • To suppress local population and force their support in fight against ISAF and ANA.
  • To protect poppy fields as main source of income for the operations.
  • Disturb ISAF operations with all possible means.
  • Destroy ANA forces, demoralize ANA.
  • Increase influence zone and eventually take full control of Gore province.

Taliban fighters, regrouped after previous defeats and losses and increased their presence in the province by taking control of few provincial villages and cities.   

They force local population under control to grow poppy and take most of the harvest. Income from poppy production is used to strengthen it’s forces, buy additional weapons and preparation for terrorist operations. They also use these money to recruit ANA fighters. 

As the cold season approaches, Taliban needs to strengthen it’s troops, prepare weapon and ammunition storages. To reach that, Taliban needs to develop new logistics routes for opium shipments. Taking over the aerdrome is one of Taliban goals. If this goal is achieved, they could use small planes to transport opium shipments over the boarder to Pakistan.

Taliban can use local population to take over the aerodrome. As ISAF cannot open fire on unarmed civilians, Taliban sometimes uses them as human shields.  Taliban also can infiltrate it’s members into ANA forces which is a big threat to ISAF soldiers.



Locals ( shemag on head , 87 % LARP)



  • Try to get as much supplies from ISAF as possible (food, medicals, tents and other).
  • Grow as many poppy fields as possible. Grow goats to support the living.
  • Collaborate with all sides of the conflict in order to survive.


Besides main occupation of growing poppy and animals local population learns to live on support from ISAF. Without the support shipments from ISAF or other charity organizations, locals tend to protest near ISAF base or near the aerodrome. Such protests are close to become violent.

Locals are also pissed on ISAF and ANA as they destroy their poppy fields. When locals are left without their only income source from poppy fields they often tend to take arms and join the Taliban forces.

        In order to survive, locals try to collaborate with all sides of the conflict.




Afghanistan National army (ANA) (helmets , Woodland 70% offencive missions)



  • To secure Chagcharan airdrome.
  • To secure ISAF base outer perimeter.
  • Fight Taliban forces to take full control of Gore province.
  • Search and destroy poppy fields.

ANA has a small base near the aerodrome. Aerodrome security is routine ANA operation. Training sessions are organized under the management of ISAF.

Based on gathered intelligence, together with ISAF participates in patrol operations over the province territory to disrupt Taliban supply chains.

ANA also sends individual patrols without coordination with ISAF. This causes problems to ISAF intelligence units and creates occasional tensions and conflicts between ANA and ISAF.

ANA also sends patrols to search and destroy poppy fields without coordination with ISAF. ANA troops abuse given power and sometimes loot local villagers. This creates serious conflicts with local population. When civilians complain, ANA hides behind ISAF backs which creates even more tension.

In general ANA are disliked by everybody: Taliban fighters and locals hate them and want to destroy them, ISAF troops often do not trust them.



International players (EU citizens) only teams min. 4 players. No russian camo, patches, flags



Game sponsors :

Airsoft guns, bb's, equipment www.airsoftas.lt

Military and Outdoor equipment www.AiC.lt

Military Antique Shop Vilnius MilitaryShop.lt


PAG 2 Foto galerija


PAG 5 Foto galerija

PAG 8 Foto galerija



Registration opens 07-01


FPS limits


Game type : Operation (mid caps, low caps. real caps only)

Class.......Gun.....................power 0.20 g. bb's........Safety distance................Buildings.........Field
1. ...........Pistol......................till 119 m/s.....................1 m...................no restrictions......no restrictions

AEG, machineguns, sniper rifles

Class.......Gun..........................power 0.20 g. bb's........Safety distance................Buildings.........Field

2..........AEG.......................101 – 130 m/s.................5 m.......................Single........no restrictions
3..........LMG................... ...125-151 m/s...................15 m......................Prohibited.........no restrictions
4..........H Machineguns......151-170 m/s...................30 m......................Prohibited........no restrictions
5..........Sniper rifle..............125 – 150 m/s................15 m.....................Prohibited.......single
6..........Sniper rifle...................151 – 170 m/s............20 m....................Prohibited.......single
7..........Sniper rifle bolt action...171 – 200 m/s...........30 m....................Prohibited......single

1 - 2 class gun maximum plastic bb's weight – 0,28 g.
3. class gun must be real LMG replica (RPK, M249, MK43, Mg3). Required 1 class gun. Maximum plastic bb's weight – 0,30 g.
4. class gun must be real HMG replica (M240, M60, PKM, 50cal.). Required 1 class gun. Maximum plastic bb's weight – 0,30 g
5-7 class gun must be real sniper gun replica (SVD, SR25, M14, M21) Must be mechanicaly disabled Full auto mode, Only Semi fire. Maximum plastic bb's weight– 0,43 g. Required 1 class gun.
Gun speed will be tested only Madbull ver. 2.1 chrono.

If your gun will show higher m/s limit (your gun class) GM take your gun till end of game.


Medic rule


Bandage not less than 5 m long.  Players bring their own bandage (elastic bandage is not allowed) 

Player when hit, takes out the red vest, puts it on his head and calls for medic for 10 min. If medic does not come within 10 min, the player puts on the red vest and moves to agreed respawn area without interfering the game.  While waiting for medic, hit player cannot move more than 1 meter from his hit location, player is not allowed to use the radio, player is not allowed to communicate with other players on the process of the game.  Only players with bandage available can treat “injured” players by assiting him to safe location for medical help. Assisting player must keep one hand on injured players neck. Medical help is provided by applying the bandage on injured player’s head (helmet/head cover). The bandage must be applied in full length and width. Bandage is single use only.    

Bandages can be looted from injured player. Injured player must give his bandages when required.

It is forbidden to use the same bandage more than once. 


Players who violate medic rule will be forced to respawn area for 2 hours penalty. Second violation will cause full player ban from the game. If the player is member of the team, seconds medic rule violation causes ban to the whole team.

From wounded player , enemy can take bandages, granades , game money , game narcotics.



General rules


1. Apon arrive to the game location, please present to game masters: 

Person identification document

Bright high visibility red or orange vest

Weapon with batteries charged or mags filled with gas for gas powered guns.


2. All players before the game start and players who are offgame during the game must wear hivi vest. 


3. On the military territory it is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol and/or drug substances, destroy or damage territory property, through garbage outside designated bags, enter restricted zones or buildings. It is strictly forbidden to touch any articles which may look like real ammunition or explosives. It is strictly forbidden to shoot into the windows of the biuldings. 


Night game from friday 22:00 to saturday.02:00


Main game will start at saturday 10:00


Arrival to area : Friday 19:00 - 23:00

Saturday : 07:00 - 09:00




Registration :

Registration by email PAG@KARIAUK.LT
Registration : players name , surname, nick , team , game side, night mission Yes/No

After registration confirmation you will receive bank details (Swedbank)

Game fee paid till 2017-08-12  -   22 EUR

                            2017-09-12 -  35 Eur


Game fee is not refundable, game player change fee 5 eur till 2017-09-12 14:00

#2 Клещ


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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 14:59

What do you mean: no russian camo ?
Russian camo, what is it ?

#3 Knight


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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 15:40


What do you mean: no russian camo ?
Russian camo, what is it ?

Всегда ваш Кэп



Судя по этой ссылке, из игры выпадает Атакс, Флектарн, Мультикам... и другие, что дает на вскидку 75% камуфляжей в аирсофте.

P.S. А, Вудланд тоже выпадает. Ну тогда 99% камуфляжей.

"Смерть не является оправданием невыполнения боевого приказа" (с) В.Ф. Маргелов



    He переживай о многом и переживешь многих!

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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 15:49

а что тогда по репликам РФ (АК, ПКМ, РПК и прочее)?

#5 Knight


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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 16:03

Небольшая поправка, надо читать буковки, что под картинками, нельзя использовать те, которые в России были изобретены и тспощьзуются в их линейных войсках, а не коммерческие и не заимствованные зарубежные.



А некрашеная горка - это "изобретенный в России" камфляж? Более того, "камуфляж" ли это вообще?..

Ну и не проще ли вместо ребусов по истории камуфляжей, просто ответить на заданный выше вопрос, перечислив наименования.

"Смерть не является оправданием невыполнения боевого приказа" (с) В.Ф. Маргелов

#6 Raider


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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 17:54

Взрослые люди, всем же понятно о чем речь
"Always Faithful, Always Forward"

#7 bebru43



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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2017 - 21:19


What do you mean: no russian camo ?
Russian camo, what is it ?

Всегда ваш Кэп


У меня ощущение, что спрашивали Лукашенко!

#8 lukashenka


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Отправлено 12 Июнь 2017 - 09:35

Nash hobi i tak pod pricelom. Nekto nehocit Piara s obei storon.



Raider Ačiū.

Взрослые люди, всем же понятно о чем речь



Admin. delete all spam.

#9 lukashenka


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Отправлено 16 Июнь 2017 - 16:10

Upddated. Registration opens 07-03.

#10 WinD



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Отправлено 20 Июль 2017 - 18:13

Any restrictions on smokes and grenades?

can i use TAGS?


#11 Лис


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Отправлено 31 Июль 2017 - 14:34

1/5 in! 
плюсую к вопросу о тагах

#12 lukashenka


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Отправлено 31 Июль 2017 - 14:46

TAGS no restrictions, but it depends on chance of fire in military ground. If it's to dry No :)


Day before event , we will know .


Don't forget  to register


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#13 Лис


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Отправлено 10 Август 2017 - 10:20

Будет-ли возможность заправлять баллоны?

#14 lukashenka


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Отправлено 10 Август 2017 - 11:52

Two days left  :)


Game fee paid till 2017-08-12  -   22 EUR

#15 lukashenka


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Отправлено 24 Август 2017 - 10:17

Our new game sponsor :



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NTService provides professional services and innovative ICT solutions 
for over 15 years. NTService has offices in Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine
and Kazakhstan and focuses on other markets by selecting local partners.



Already registered and paid 222 players.

#16 Лис


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Отправлено 28 Август 2017 - 11:33

Будет-ли возможность заправлять баллоны для ВВД?

#17 lukashenka


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Отправлено 30 Август 2017 - 12:07

Будет-ли возможность заправлять баллоны для ВВД?

Net nebudet,

#18 Jin


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Отправлено 08 Сентябрь 2017 - 19:09

Добрый день.

Скажите есть ли у вас возможно сделать файл с координатами важных точек для Garmin Trek'ов?

1st Battalion 5th Marines

#19 lukashenka


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Отправлено 11 Сентябрь 2017 - 09:59

Esli mozno vse voprosi na - pag@kariauk.lt

#20 TheBest4U



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Отправлено 16 Сентябрь 2017 - 09:24

Already registered and paid 222 players.

how many players have registered/paid at the moment?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: PAG-5, PAG-8, kariauk, tanks.lt, airsoftas.lt